Stop Dog Slobber and Drool

Stop Dog Slobber and Drool

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

YouTube Shows The World How To Stop Dog Slobber and Drool.

Here is a funny reality animation cartoon that was recorded in Idaho. Created in Greece, processed on International and distributed on YouTube worldwide.  So all the dog owners who have a  wet mouth breed dog that makes a mess of their home and inside their car have a solution to their problem.  And prevents their friends from coming over to visit for fear of getting gross saliva and slobbers all over their clothes. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Dog Slobber Stopper Patent Pending Begins.

After 27 different prototypes the Patent is Pending for the Dog Slobber Stopper.  The new website will be live any day now at    And the YouTube animation cartoon is live at Dog Slobber Stopper Cartoon.