Stop Dog Slobber and Drool

Stop Dog Slobber and Drool

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Is The Newfoundland Dog Breed The Best Pet For You?

Are you thinking about adding a Newfoundland Dog to your family?

Newfoundland dogs were bred on the Canadian island of Newfoundland.  The dog breed was created on the island from other dog species that were brought in on fishing boats from European fishermen. 

Friday, July 27, 2012

My Mastiff Dog Drools and Slobbers So Much I Have To Keep Him Outside.

You love your big Mastiff dog, and he loves you and your family.  But a dog is a dog and is not one of your kids.  If you had a dog who bites the neighbors or the mailman you would have to send it to a dog farm or put it down.  So how do you deal with the gross spit slobbers and drools that turn your home into a football locker room?